- Titel
- Turning dreams into reality: transformations and paradigm shifts in mathematics education
- Untertitel
- Proceedings of the eleventh international conference; September 11 - 17, 2011; Rhodes University, Grahamstown
- Zitierfähige Url:
- https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-79243
- Erstveröffentlichung
- 2011
- 83-919465-0-9
- Abstract (EN)
- This volume contains the papers presented at the International Conference on “Turning Dreams into Reality: Transformations and Paradigm Shifts in Mathematics Education” held from September 11-17, 2011 at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. The Conference was organized jointly by Rhodes University and The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project - an international educational project founded in 1986. Our Project is dedicated to the improvement of mathematics education world-wide through the publication and dissemination of innovative ideas. Many prominent mathematics educators have supported and contributed to the project, including the late Hans Freudental, Andrejs Dunkels and Hilary Shuard, as well as Bruce Meserve and Marilyn Suydam, Alan Osborne and Margaret Kasten, Mogens Niss, Tibor Nemetz, Ubi D’Ambrosio, Brian Wilson, Tatsuro Miwa, Henry Pollack, Werner Blum, Roberto Baldino, Waclaw Zawadowski, and many others throughout the world. Information on our project and its future work can be found on our Project home page http://math.unipa.it/~grim/21project.htm . In this year, 2011, we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of our Project, when Manmohan Singh Arora suggested the idea to Fayez Mina and myself around a swimming pool in Bahrain (of all places!) That first meeting was, however, typical of the multi-cultured and global character of our Project and it’s subsequent conferences throughout the world. These Proceedings begin with the Plenary Papers and then the other contributions in alphabetical name order of the principal authors. We sincerely thank all of the contributors for their time and creative effort. It is clear from the variety and quality of the papers that the conference has attracted many innovative mathematics educators from around the world.
- Freie Schlagwörter (DE)
- Methodik in der Mathematik, Didaktik, Proceedings einer Konferenz mit verschiedenen spezifischen Inhalten, Mathematikausbildung, allgemeine Themen in der Mathematikausbildung, Bildungspolitik und Bildungswesen, Psychologie und Forschung in der Mathematikausbildung, Ausbildung und Unterricht in Mathematik
- Freie Schlagwörter (EN)
- Methodology of mathematics, didactics, Proceedings of conference of miscellaneous specific interest, mathematics education, General topics in educational mathematics, Educational policy and educational systems, Psychology of and research in mathematics education, Education and instruction in mathematics
- Klassifikation (DDC)
- 510
- Klassifikation (RVK)
- SD 2011
- HerausgeberIn
- Prof. Dr. Ludwig Paditz
- Dr. Alan Rogerson
- Herausgeber (Institution)
- HTW Dresden
- Rhodes University
- URN Qucosa
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-79243
- Veröffentlichungsdatum Qucosa
- 15.02.2012
- Dokumenttyp
- Konferenzband
- Sprache des Dokumentes
- Englisch
- Lizenz / Rechtehinweis
- School-Mathematics all over the world – some differences
- "Mathematics online and mathematics mobile - where is all this going?"
- Setting mathematics laboratory in schools
- Technology: The Bridge to Facilitate Learning of Adult Learners of Mathematics
- Using a values-based approach to promote self-efficacy in mathematics education
- Problem-centred teaching and modelling as bridges to the 21st century in primary school mathematics classrooms
- iMath- Reaching the iGeneration in the Mathematics Classroom
- Physicists use mathematics to describe physical principles an mathematicians use physical phenomena to illustrate mathematical formula - Do they really mean the same?
- Moving from Diagnosis to Intervention in Numeracy - turning mathematical dreams into reality
- Professional Learning Communities And Teacher Change
- Numbers: a dream or reality? A return to objects in number learning
- Correlated Science And Mathematics: A New Model Of Professional Development For Teachers
- Mathematical Practices and the Role of Interactive Dynamic Technology
- Hands On Workshops
- Mathematics Teachers'' Knowledge Growth in a Professional Learning Community
- Using Online Textbooks and Homework Systems: In Particular MyMathLab and WebAssign
- Hearing the teacher voice: teacher''s views of their needs for professional development
- Using A Computer Pen to Investigate Students'' Use of Metacognition during Mathematical Problem-Solving
- Conceptualization - a necessity for effective learning of mathematics at school
- Meeting under the "Omei" Tree in the Torres Strait Islands: Networks and Funds of Knowledge of Mathematical Ideas
- Problem solving: A psycho-pragmatic approach
- Reflecting Problem Orientation in Mathematics Education within Teacher Education
- A Good Instruction in Mathematics Education should be Open but Structured
- Do South African Mathematics teachers need narrative therapy?
- Horizontal and Vertical Concept Transitions
- The importance of using representations to help primary pupils give meaning to numerical concepts
- "Shuffle and Shake" and "Pay as you go" - The VG grade 8 experiment
- Left to their own devices: Student-led inquiry into mathematical ideas in kindergarten
- Adjusting the Mathematics Curriculum Into the 21st Century
- Intervening for Success
- What can be Learned from Comparing Performance of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Items found in Norway and in the U.S.?
- A Comprehensive Model for Examining Pre-Service Teachers'' Knowledge of Technology Tools for Mathematical Learning: The T-MATH Framework
- Using Large-Scale Datasets to Teach Abstract Statistical Concepts: Sampling Distribution
- Transforming Instruction and Assessment Using Student-created Video
- A case study of a teacher professional development programme for rural teachers
- An action research study of the growth and development of teacher proficiency in mathematics in the intermediate phase - an enactivist perspective. Work-in-progress
- Mathematics through Language
- Phantom Graphs
- Workshop: Error Analysis of Mathematics Test Items
- Isomorphic Visualization and Understanding of the Commutativity of Multiplication: from multiplication of whole numbers to multiplication of fractions
- Assessing the teaching efficacy beliefs of teacher trainees
- On Economic Interpretation of Lagrange Multipliers
- Dreams, Paradigm Shifts and Reforms in Mathematics Education: Classification and Plan of Action
- An Initial Examination of Effect Sizes for Virtual Manipulatives and Other Instructional Treatments
- New and Emerging Applications of Tablet Computers such as iPad in Mathematics and Science Education
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Development: Pathways for Universities to Promote Success
- The basics of set theory - some new possibilities with ClassPad
- Mathematics Connections to Current Events
- Exploring the challenges of teachers'' and learners'' understanding of solution strategies using whole numbers
- Stepping into Statistics: Providing a Head Start for students
- Transforming Mathematical Tastes: a Twist of Lemon - or a Pretzel?
- Tangram-base Problem Solving in Radical Constructivist Paradigm: High School Student-Teachers Conjectures
- VITALmaths - Transforming learning experiences through mathematical video clips
- Figural pattern generalisation - the role of rhythm
- Probability in Mathematics: Facing Probability in Everyday Life
- Teaching Derivations of Area and Measurement Concepts of the Circle: A Conceptual-Based Learning Approach through Dissection Motion Operations
- Creating Desirable Difficulties to Enhance Mathematics Learning
- Why don''t we make it our business to teach Business Statistics well?
- Using technology to assist Mathematical Literacy learners understand the implications of various scenarios of loan circumstances when buying a house
- Developing Skills for Successful Learning
- Teaching Mathematical Modelling to Tomorrow''s Mathematicians or, You too can make a million dollars predicting football results
- Teaching and learning high school mathematics through an interdisciplinary approach
- A new Elementary Mathematics Curriculum: Practice, Learning and Assessment Some Classroom Episodes
- Mathematical modelling in classroom: The importance of validation of the constructed model
- An Investigation into the design of Advanced Certificates in Education on Mathematical Literacy teachers in KwaZuluNatal
- Using a modelling task to Elicit Reasoning about data
- Comparing the Use of Virtual Manipulatives and Physical Manipulatives in Equivalent Fraction Intervention Instruction
- Workshop title: A new rational approach to the teaching of trigonometry in schools and colleges
- Comprehensive indicators of mathematics understanding among secondary school students
- The Use of Graphic Organizers to Improve Student and Teachers Problem-Solving Skills and Abilities